How to get married in Russia
Undoubtedly Russian girls are incredibly beautiful, sexy and housewives. It is for this reasons that for several decades has not been decreasing, but on the contrary, the number of foreign men, dreaming of a Russian wife and wishing to link their destiny with a girl from Russia by marriage is increasing. Our Russian lawyer agency deals with cases related to marriage registration, a section of jointly acquired property of spouses and other divorce issues since 1988. We will not disappoint foreign men who have firmly decided to marry Russian women, but we will give them complete step-by-step guide how to get married in Russia, which is based on our own experience of the process.
First of all, when choosing the future companion of life, we call for greater caution and circumspection, not trusting the first words of Russian girls in social networks and with electronic correspondence. In no case should you send them money, no matter how they asked for it. A large number of girls in Russia in this way simply earn money. They are ordinary fraudsters - they get money from you, they disappear and you will never hear of them again. To find a Russian bride, it is advisable to use the services of proven, long-standing and positive reputation of marriage agencies.

If you do marry in Russia you must know the main requirements of family legislation in the Russian jurisdiction. First of all, it should be noted that according to article 156 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation the only state structure that registers marriages in Russia is the so-called "ZAGS" (vital statistics department). Only registered in the "ZAGS", the marriage will have legal force. Imprisoned by any other, even recognized in other countries, ways of marriage, including church marriage, in the territory of will be declared invalid.
What documents are needed to marry in Russia
In order to register a marriage, the following documents must be submitted to the registrar's office:
- a written application in which both persons wish to marry, in certain cases, separate applications may be submitted;
- passport, a foreign citizen must have a passport translated into Russian, made and certified, either in the consulate of his country, or by a notary;
- certified in the consulate and translated into Russian, a document confirming that the foreigner is not married;
- the permission to marry in a consulate if such a condition is mandatory;
- permission to register a marriage before the marriageable age, if required;
- all the above documents must be submitted in a notarized translation into Russian.
It is advisable to bear in mind that in some cases, when there is a special agreement between the Russian Federation and the country of the person entering into marriage, marriage can be registered not in the registry office, but in the consulate of that state. You can make a translation with notarial proof through a translation agency; it will cost near $15 US, and may take about two days.
Circumstances preventing the registration of marriage with a foreigner in Russia
The disposition of art. 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation with regard to the circumstances preventing marriage registration are mandatory for both persons marrying. The specified rule of law establishes the conditions under which marriage can not be concluded on the territory of Russia:
- Marriage can not be registered between persons, one of whom is already married, even if the legislation of the state of which the person is a citizen, polygamy is allowed.
- Between close, full-blooded and inferior relatives.
- Between adoptive parents and adopted children.
- If at least one of the married persons is incompetent due to a mental disorder.

It should also be made sure that every person who marries has reached the marriageable age accepted in both states. Registered in a country professing polygamy, a polygamous marriage in the territory of Russia will be declared invalid. The foreigner who applied to the registry office in the territory of the Russian Federation with the application for the registration of the marriage must submit written evidence confirming the absence of the previously registered marriage. Usually a valid proof of this circumstance is the absence in the passport of a note on the registration of marriage.
If a person who has been married before has already been married, he is obliged to submit to the registrar's office a certificate translated into Russian and certified by the notary public about the termination of this union. For the CIS countries, this provision is optional, since the Russian Federation has ratified the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases of 22.01.1993, and all documents produced and certified in any of these countries do not need legalization in another Country. However, the paragraphs of the Convention do not abolish the need for the translation of all documents submitted to the registry office for the registration of marriage certified by a notary.
The documents are ready, what's next
First, you will need to pay a state duty, which is $5.5 (350 rubles) for the wedding. You can do it either direct at the ZAGS, or at the sate bank, Sberbank for example, and get a receipt to prove you have paid. If you are paying at the bank you will need to get the account details to pay to into from the ZAGS. Then you should bring the documents and fee receipt to ZAGS. The ZAGS official will check all the documents, and give an application form, where you and your future wife need to fill in personal data. This document must be signed by both future spouses - it is the official applications for marriage registration.
According to the Family Code of Russia the wedding should take place between 32 and 60 days after acceptance by the registrar of an application for marriage. In the day of wedding each of spouses will be given a Government Wedding Certificate. Strongly recommended to obtain a Russian apostle on the marriage certificate, in order to have no problems in case, if you're planning to return to your homeland with your spouse.
We, as experienced lawyers, are ready to help you in solving any of your questions regarding the registration of marriage in Russia.

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